Leah McDermott


My name is Leah McDermott, a student of Abertay university currently studying the BSc(Hons) Computer Game Applications Development course! My main interests involve developing and itegrating game mechanics, as well as dabbling in digital art and UX design in my spare time. In future, I also hope to learn how to integrate AI and Networking into my games!My main career interests are in the games industry, and I would one day hope to start my own independent development studio.Click on the buttons above to find out more about what I make, and how to contact me!

Game Examples

Rising Tensions

Created for the Abertay Game Development Society's own Fresher's Jam in 2023 Rising Tensions is a fast paced local multiplayer game inspired by games like 'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes' and 'Operation Tango'. The goal is to prevent the hero from reaching the top through cooperation with the other player through the use of documentation. Made in Unreal Engine 5.3, Rising tensions is a collaborate effort between me and two other friends using the blueprint programming language. We were all responsible for programming, as well as the graphics inside the game. I helped in creating the graphics for the website.The playable prototype is available here!
>> Rising Tensions - Itch.io

Power Upkins

Created for the Abertay Game Development Society's own Halloween gamejam in 2022, Power upkins is a top-down, local multiplayer game about two goblins hitting each other with pumpkins, made in Unreal Engine using its blueprint programming language. This was a team effort between me and my friends, with my part of the project being focused on the graphics and art seen within the game!The playable prototype is available here!
>> Power Upkins - Itch.io

Mafioso Incognito

Created for Ludum Dare 48, Mafioso Incognito is a third person top-down shooter/stealth game which has you playing as a detective on a mission to take down the Linguine crime family to free New York. The game was made in Game Maker using its inbuilt GML Language, and in this project my friend and I did equal parts art and programming, with me focusing on how to make the game look good by adding juice, and him being focused on the core mechanics.
The playable prototype is available here!
>> Mafioso Incognito - Itch.io